1. To receive the Daily Market List and Purchase Requests submitted by various departments.
2. To obtain competitive bids by actively and aggressively test the market to obtain the merchandises as specified at the lowest price available while meeting the date of delivery, quality and quantity requirements. Bids from at least 3 suppliers are required.
3. To receive the Daily Market List and Purchase Requests submitted by various departments.
4. To obtain competitive bids by actively and aggressively test the market to obtain the merchandises as specified at the lowest price available while meeting the date of delivery, quality and quantity requirements. Bids from at least 3 suppliers are required.
5. To coordinate with Store Supervisor and department concerned on needs to re-order based on adequacy of current stocks, purchasing lead-time and other prevailing conditions.
6. To maintain as much as possible files of quotations, catalogues, photos, samples on all equipment and supplies.
7. To implement controls over purchasing to ensure that locally available foodstuffs are for immediate needs, that quantity of the food is optimum for the intended use and that the lowest prices on the market is paid for merchandise of the desired quality and form. To guard against excessive quantities of supplies being purchased.