
铜山区 3-5年 中专

双休 五险 公积金 带薪年假 年终奖 工作餐 免费培训 包吃 包住 节日礼物


酒店/旅游 丨 200-499人

1. Ensure the proper operation of hotel electromechanical equipment, and practice preventive maintenance, solve the breakdown timely 酒店机电设备正常,运行可靠,保养到位,出现故障及时尽能解决 2. Be responsible for the repair and maintain all telephones, CCTV fire-fighting, satellite TV and sound system. 负责检修和维护好电话、监控、消防、卫星电视及音响系统。 3. Ensure the proper operation of the power supply、 hot/cold air supply and water supply and drainage、 fire system. 确保供电、供热、供冷、给排水及消防系统运作正常 4. Be responsible for all the painting jobs in passages, lift hall, stores, guestrooms, and lanes within hotel area. 负责酒店大楼各通道、梯间、仓库、客房及酒店范围内车道上路面标志之油漆工作。 5. Responsible for all the furniture in the hotel and make wooden decoration, wooden articles and office furniture according to the needs of all departments. 负责修理酒店大楼内一切家具,并根据各部门需要,制造木制装饰品、木器或办公室家具。 6. Carry out the preventive maintenance schedule. 确保例行保养检查落实并实施 7. Ensure effective handling when having an electricity suspension and other duties may be assigned. 确保紧急停电时有效处理,并参加紧急召唤 8. Ensure the safe and reliable operation of all electrical devices and the lifts. 确保电气装置及电梯安全可靠运行 9. Ensure the coolers and refrigerators in the kitchens reach standard temperature. 确保厨房冷库、冰柜达到标准温度 10. Ensure the cleaning and good electrical control of the chiller room and AHU rooms. 保证所有空调机房和新风机房清洁及电气控制良好 11. Check the public area, the temperature and the humidity rate of guest room. Proper control of air-conditioner system 巡视公共区域、客房温度湿度,有效控制好空调系统 12. Maintain the operation of the air-outlet system, including the air exhausting of bathroom and kitchen, as well as the condition of belt 空调系统的送排风系统运行正常,包括卫生间、厨房的排风,皮带的松紧 13.Necessarily maintain Mechanical equipments such like, the water pump, fire pump and brace and so on. 对生活水泵、消防水泵以及机械设备如管道支架、基础等进行必要维护 14.Regular check to the water outlet and grease trap of the hotel area, Supervise the contractor with the regular dredge it timely if necessary. 定期巡视各区域的地漏排水口及隔油池,监督管理外单位及时修复疏通

